Consecration Pack

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The Consecration Guide is designed to help you plan and complete an effective consecratory prayer vigil with God. It explains what consecration is, takes you to its scriptural origins, and outlines some of the pitfalls and triumphs that await you as you launch your consecration.

Helpful definitions are followed by sound instructions that you can use as an individual or a group united in consecration for your church or ministry. If you are an individual, you can use this guide to bring your family into oneness with Christ. There are sample prayers at the end to guide your first steps. After a while, the Holy Spirit will take over and you will soar in your times with Him as you renew or explode your relationship. I wish you the best, and God bless you.

This pack includes: 

Dr. Price's anointing oil 

EBook - A How to Guide to Powerful Prayer and Consecration 

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